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Wolfrest Gin Italiano 700ml

Wolfrest Gin Italiano 700ml


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1 £37.9
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A Premium Distilled Dry Gin from Piedmont

A delicate gin with a persistent body, smooth and round thanks to the richness of local hazelnuts. Umbrian Juniper, famous for moderate tannins gives a very intense taste supported by typical mediterranean botanicals sush as thyme, allorum and wild rosemary. Sweetness and freshness comes from the only one sweet orange cultivated in the north of Italy, from Pernambucco in Liguria.

Pairs well with:

A very delicate and flavoured gin, perfect mixed but incredibly easy to drink neat insted as a whisky or a grappa at the end of a meal.

About Wolfrest Gin Italiano 700ml

  • Wolfrest Gin

    Wolfrest started to imagine Wolfrest Gin on a winters evening, in their home, located in Montelupo Albese, a small magical village in the heart of Langhe. Their village is on the top of a Langhe hill not too far from the Ligurian Seaside and enjoys a gentle sea breeze. Giovanni Alessandria, the gin maker,  wanted to reflect their hills, renowned worldwide for the prestigious Barolo wine, and incorporate his favourite and the most representative botanicals of the area; Hazelnuts and Mediterranean Herbs which in these lands grow luxuriant and perfumed.

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  • Piedmont

    Piedmont is a diverse region with many microclimates. Monferrato Area, in the Province of Asti and Alessandria, is one of the most famous grape-growing areas of Piedmont, and recently declared a UNESCO World Heritage site. The soil consists of calcareous and limestone, resulting in fresh, fruity wines with a unique minerality.

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Wolfrest Gin Italiano 700ml

Product Details

Wolfrest is a Premium Distilled Dry Gin produced in Piedmont and made solely with botanicals cultivated and collected in Italy: Juniper berries come from Umbria, Pernambucco Sweet Orange (Liguria), Piedmont Eldel Flower and Langhe Botanicals: Bay Leaf, Thyme, Wild Rosemary, Hazelnut from our hills.

This gin born in Montelupo Albese (Literally Wolf Mountain) a small village in the middle of the Langhe Hills. A place surrounded by the nature famous in the past for wolf packs.

Giovanni Alessandria  selected the best Italian botanicals that this wolf met during his journey to return to Piedmont, now that his adventure has ended.


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